The Underwater Shot: the making of film Dead Weight

Movie Shoot – Day 7 It’s really day seven of our movie shoot; but we took a day off on the real day seven.. The DP assured me the crew must rest on the seventh day. Just like God making Creation. Oh, and unlike God, who needs no food or lodging, the crew does, and…
Let’s Just Improv It: the making of film Dead Weight

LET’S JUST IMPROV IT Movie Shoot – Day 6 Some people may wonder – why a Baby Shaman? Aren’t you misappropriating Native American culture? I don’t have a super PC answer, other than I’m half Hispanic, which is partly Native American. Maybe Quadroon or Octoroon native blood in there. And I wrote what fired…
The Flintstones Rocks: the making of film Dead Weight

Movie Shoot – Day 5 Baby S Girl, my second actor, her mother, and their huge energetic puppy are up bright and early with the crew… all waiting for me. “Hi! Hi!” Hugs and kisses. Her child-like eagerness and trust are a balm on the spirit. We head to a new location on Earth…
Fights, Fish-Eyes, and Blueberry Pie: the making of film Dead Weight

Movie Shoot – Day 4 The sun is golden on the rocks in early morning. I’ve made my peace with the crew’s need to chat and smoke in the lull after breakfast and the unloading of the gear. So I’ve taken to going off on my own to breathe in the desert air. And…
@#@##^#&#&#@%%^@ I’M LOSING MY LIGHT! : the making of film Dead Weight

Movie Shoot – Day 3 It’s late at night when we leave the Greyhound bus station. I’m chauffeuring our first supporting actor to come on set tomorrow. Actor-Man. Fighting a swirl of exhaustion, I chatter the entire one hundred miles back to the motel just to stay awake. I talk about the shoot, desert…
Acting Zone Meets Cigarette Breaks: the making of film Dead Weight

Movie shoot – Day 2 Sworls of peachy-colored rocks, in sandy tones, oranges, browns, reds, pinks, blacks. Tall buttes. Squat monoliths. Grand cathedral spires. Another day of cavorting through the high desert feast of raw, elemental, savage, beauteous wonder. The crew has been notified. Hup to it. Today we make up for the two and…
Ironing Out The Kinks: the making of film Dead Weight

Movie shoot – Day 1 OK, that crew that I wasn’t sure would show up… is knocking on my motel door at 6:30am – half an hour early on the first day or our movie shoot. They go and wait in their cars, motors running to warm up the engines in the glacial high desert…
BLASTOFF! Twas The Night Before My Film Shoot: the making of film Dead Weight

My first day shooting my film can’t be tomorrow because…well, I’m not ready! Nothing’s packed. I get that nightmare feeling I used to get in grade school; I’d dream I got up so late for school, I’d find myself reading in front of the class… in my pajamas! God, not the pajama nightmare again. I…